For the Love of All Things VG Music; If you have a request, PM me! I'll check it out and get back to you! Thanks for all your support! <3

Alisa @VGSongbird

Age 35, Other


Sierra College

Joined on 6/7/05

Exp Points:
2,376 / 2,500
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.72 votes
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

VGSongbird's News

Posted by VGSongbird - June 27th, 2011

Hey guys.

So I want to recant the statement I made in my last news post. I've conceptualized several things since that post.
1. The internet is full of trolls. People are going to down vote so that their scores will be higher.
2. Not leaving a review isn't something personal, it's either that they have nothing to say, they don't want to take the time to do so, or they're just exercising the action of point #1.

I've just been in a real self-conscious state lately, and that particular day I happened to take it out on the portal.
So really; sorry :(

Posted by VGSongbird - June 21st, 2011

I have a bone to pick with you.
Yes, you.
You who listens to my remixes and rates low without any comment at all. It's driving me insane, and I'll tell you why.
I put a lot of effort into my work. Lots of artists on here do. There are also lots of artists who DON'T put a lot of effort into their work. That's why the rating and reviewing system was made, so that the artistic community that we support here on Newgrounds can be critiqued by peers and audience alike to become better at what we do. I make a point to whenever I view a flash or listen to a song to rate it and I will admit to not leaving a review on everything I go through, but I do make a point of reviewing everything that I give a low score. Reviews that say "Great job!" or "10/10" or whatever are wonderful to receive, but it's the reviews with the critiquing that are of most value. If you let me know what you didn't like about the song I did, then I can listen to what you have to say about it, decide whether or not I agree, and incorporate that thought into my next song. But when you don't leave a review after giving me a low score, it drives my analytical brain crazy. I have to wonder what about the song makes it deserve such a low score. I also begin wondering if the only reason you're giving it a bad score is to further your own score. That's cowardly, and what goes around comes around.

Even if you can't think of what to say about it that you don't like, PM or review me and tell me just that. If you're concerned about hurting someones feelings, it's unwarranted--anyone who creates and shares should be open to scrutiny. If you feel like you just don't want to, that's lazy, inconsiderate, and an assault on the very core of the creative process.

So I'm just asking--from one human being to another: If you don't like something, tell me why.
(Lurkers excluded, though that's a whole other issue there.)

***Disclaimer: Statements above about why the rating and reviewing system was created are a reflection of my personal opinions about the site, and have not been influenced or corroborated with by the actual creators of Newgrounds.**

Posted by VGSongbird - June 10th, 2011

The basic news is that I have a new remix up: Super Mario 65 - Bowser in the Dark World.
Wanna go see me actually talk about it to a camera? Here's the link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7de6TAY xWes

(This would be a lot easier if Newgrounds would let me post my videos up in my News Post space, but since they don't, well you have one more step :D )

Posted by VGSongbird - May 21st, 2011

I think the title of this one pretty much explains itself.
PEOPLE... I'm creatively drained.
I haven't been able to complete a single project in a month. And forget starting any new ones. It's like my mind has been warped and I just can't arrange anything I like right now!

Tell me how you guys get out of these ruts; I'm losing my mind over here.


Posted by VGSongbird - April 8th, 2011

I am loving the new Profile Picture, courtesy of VagrantRisk. Lovin' the addition of the "Request White Board." Thanks so much for that!

On to business.

Thanks to DamionDK, I've got my "Chrono Cross - the Dream that Time Dreams" remix finally complete. So I hope you all love it. Also, progress continues on the project with VagrantRisk, so support him and keep looking for both of us on the charts!

~ Alisa

Posted by VGSongbird - March 20th, 2011

Well, youtube won't let me upload my vid, so here it is:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGiswKy wEoU

Check it out for the update.

~ Alisa

Posted by VGSongbird - February 24th, 2011

Hello NG followers!

So I've got some good news--and I know I'm not posting this as a video like I promised I was going to do, but it's 4:45 in the morning and I'm in my pajamas so too bad.

The good news is that I've got some more things in the works, mostly a collaboration for a game to be released with a fellow artist here on Newgrounds; I will fill in details on that as they develop.

Other things in progress include Chrono Chross, Starfox, and possibly some Mario Party. So keep checking in on my page and look for me in the charts soon!

Posted by VGSongbird - October 11th, 2010

/* */

Posted by VGSongbird - July 4th, 2010

Long time no... talk..???

ANYWAYS, all grammar FAILs aside, it's been sometime since I've updated my page. But that doesn't mean I'm not logging on and feeling the love from all of your fantastic reviews! Thanks for keeping my scores high and my spirits higher.

On to business:

I've got something in the works. And it's something I'm sure your all familiar with. So keep a listen in and a look-out for me on the charts.

Here's a hint ;)


Makin Her Comeback!

Posted by VGSongbird - January 21st, 2010

Hey Cool Guys!
">>LOZ: The Lullaby of Time<<" makes it once more onto the Best Tracks Ever charts at #12!! That's the 5th time it's been listed since I posted it back in 2008
This is great! I'm so glad you guys continue to support me and keep my name out there in the cyberspace limelight!

I hope to continue to create more Chart Toppin' music--though my schedule gets complicated with the semester starting up again this week. But I hope you all continue to support my current pieces with votes daily, and I promise to continue to try and impress.

Once again, don't hesitate to leave me a request. I can't guarantee I'll be able to oblige--it all depends on the level of inspiration I get from the piece--but I'm always looking for something new!

Tell your friends and family about me!
And thanks for all the support--each and every one of you ^_^

~ Alisa

Back on the Charts Baby!