For the Love of All Things VG Music; If you have a request, PM me! I'll check it out and get back to you! Thanks for all your support! <3

Alisa @VGSongbird

Age 35, Other


Sierra College

Joined on 6/7/05

Exp Points:
2,376 / 2,500
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Makin Her Comeback!

Posted by VGSongbird - July 4th, 2010

Long time no... talk..???

ANYWAYS, all grammar FAILs aside, it's been sometime since I've updated my page. But that doesn't mean I'm not logging on and feeling the love from all of your fantastic reviews! Thanks for keeping my scores high and my spirits higher.

On to business:

I've got something in the works. And it's something I'm sure your all familiar with. So keep a listen in and a look-out for me on the charts.

Here's a hint ;)


Makin Her Comeback!


Glad you're back :)


Uh, finally! Jeez Alisa, you've been leaving the fans out in the dust lately! Glad to hear you're finally going to start making tunes again. I'm going to listen to Better Off Alone to celebrate the occasion!

Ha I know.
What with my real job and everything; you guys are so NEEDY ^_^

Nah, just kidding.
Actually I'm working on it this second. I've been working on it for hours and I only have 1:45 done. PHEW!! This is a hard piece to get just right.

I hope you enjoy the finished product once I get it up here :)

Ooo, Rainbow Road? I'd love to see what you'll do with that! Been looking forward to your next song! Can't wait for this one!

Oh my god, what are the chances? Ha ha, this is roughly the 4th time I've checked to see if the song is up, and what do you know? It's been exactly a month since my post. The fans are waiting for your song Alisa. *No pressure!* If this is going to be a Mario Kart remix, then it'll probably be pretty freaking epic. ESPECIALLY if there are vocals involved. I don't wanna be a nuisance, but I will eventually stop checking back, and you wouldn't want that to happen. O.O Good luck. *glares*

sweet! first video game i ever owned. I remember losing 100 times trying to get that 1 win with the shortcut in the beginning of that level. if you're still planning to put it up, that would be awsome

So here's an update for anyone who's interested:
I've got most of the piece down and am absolutely thrilled with how the project is coming along. But when something doesn't feel right to me, I don't just ignore it and apologize for it later--especially when it comes to a classic Nintendo gem like Rainbow Road.

The bottom line is I want this piece to be golden. And I want it to be worthy of listening to over the millions of posts this site gets that are sub-par and forgettable.

So to all my loyal fans out there, thanks for being so patient; I hope that when this piece is finally mastered and uploaded it will be well worth your while.

Thanks for your continued support,
