For the Love of All Things VG Music; If you have a request, PM me! I'll check it out and get back to you! Thanks for all your support! <3

Alisa @VGSongbird

Age 35, Other


Sierra College

Joined on 6/7/05

Exp Points:
2,376 / 2,500
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Vote Power:
5.72 votes
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VGSongbird's News

Posted by VGSongbird - December 27th, 2009


Tell all your friends who enjoy the game "Tales of Symphonia"--or just music in general--to listen and vote on my newest piece!!

Thanks for the support!!!


Also this:

A Window in the Storm

Posted by VGSongbird - July 20th, 2009

So absolutely LAME!
The piece of equipment I've been using to record my voice into the computer has shorted somehow, and my computer no longer recognizes it.
I can't promise any vocals anytime soon; I've gotta get this $400 piece of $#!+ working again...

Sometimes life just refuses to give you lemons...

Also this:

Grr with the Technical Difficulties!

Posted by VGSongbird - July 8th, 2009

My ">>LOZ: Lullaby of Time<<" is back up on the Best Tracks Ever list for this week.
That's awesome. It's been up there several times now! I'm so thankful that you guys are keep on sending me the love.

ON A SIDE NOTE (thats not really on the side at all...it's more like the main course...)
I'll be home shortly, which means music is " A-Comin' "
So I'll be sure to let you guys know what's gonna make the cut, and what's gonna have to get the boot :(

Also This (in case it's time for a midnight snack...or if you have the munchies...):


Posted by VGSongbird - June 22nd, 2009

Hey guys!
First of all, let me say that I'm thankful to all of you who vote for my songs, review my pieces, and send me Personal Messages. It really is supportive to me and gives me the boost I need to continue on making songs.

Now for the bad news:

I've been getting several requests from so many of you asking for me to consider this piece, or to compose originals for flashes. I love that! It's incredible that you guys are that interested in my style of music. But I'm taking on a heavier work schedule at my ACTUAL job once I get back from my vacation, and I'm studying to become a cPhT; basically, my free time is gonna dissipate even more. Most projects I'm still going to do. I'll just have to take them a little slower than planned.
Some projects, I'm just gonna have to say flat out "No" to, and I hate going back on promises.

I'm going to reevalute some of the things I'm working on and see realistically what I'll be able to do.
If I've already spoken to you about your piece or made a commitment, I intend to honor it; and if I decide that it's not in my capactiy to achieve at this point in my lifetime, I will let you know so that you won't be left hanging.

Thank you for your support guys. I hope this doesn't come as a disappointment, and I hope to continue to make music/remixes because it's what I love.

~ Alisa

Also this situation specific LolCat:

Bad News from Paradise

Posted by VGSongbird - June 17th, 2009

So I see another one of my songs up on the Best Ever list.
"Sonic Heroes: Frog Forest"

Seriously guys this is amazing.
-3 songs on the Best Ever
-1 song featured on the audio portal as "best of the week (top 5)
and so many of you have fav'd me!
this is sooo exciting!
thank you all so much.

and I know you guys have been looking to hear my vocals in a collaboration with other artists. Well I have one up now.ZooSafari and I Collab'd and it turned out great. I hope you guys will go check it out, and listen to more of his songs--he's an amazing Audio Portal artist!

That's all for now.

Also this:

Oh Yay!

Posted by VGSongbird - June 14th, 2009

Sorry you guys!
I guess in the rush to post my rendition of "Hymn of Fayth" before I left on vacation, I forgot to put a disclaimer in the description!
So until I can fix that problem, this is my Disclaimer:

DISCLAIMER FOR "*Hymn of Fayth*":
This is a remake of the song "Hymn of Fayth" from the Final Fantasy series. I do not claim to have composed this song on my own; the actual song is the property of the Final Fantasy series.
I apologize for any confusion this may or may not have caused, and extend apologies to the creators of Final Fantasy, and the composer Nobuo Uematsu.

*blushing* I should really be more careful, shouldn't I?

Posted by VGSongbird - June 13th, 2009

Um...You Guys!!!
I never thought my Hymn of Fayth would reach the Best of the Week!
Thank you SOO SOO much for all the support.

I know it's not everyone's favorite thing, but I feel very loved right now ^_^

I'm soakin up some rays in paradise, but I'll be back to compose/arrange soon.

THANKS AGAIN. That was a fantastic surprise.


Posted by VGSongbird - June 6th, 2009

Hey guys!

I know some of you don't care, and some of you are going to be extremely _____________ (INSERT: depressed, angry, giddy, betrayed, etc.) by this news, but it's gotta come out some time.

I'm going to be away from my computer for a while!!!

Taking an extensive vacation that's gonna take me far away from my mixing program.

don't forget about me plz
k thx ^_^


also this:

Music On Hold!

Posted by VGSongbird - June 3rd, 2009

Hey thanks guys for putting my ">>LOZ: Lullaby of TIme<<" back on the Top Scores List!

I've just posted my " *Hymn of Fayth* "; granted it's very VERY short (38sec.)
I'm probably gonna revisit and add parts to make it longer and more intense ^_^
I hope you like it!

Also this:

New Song and Some Love

Posted by VGSongbird - May 30th, 2009

So I've got a bun in the oven.
And by that I mean I have a few songs cooking.
Where the hell did you get pregnant from?

but seriously.
I have one original, and I've taken you guys' requests to heart--seriously Dragon Roost is almost done.
So I hope you keep a weather eye for my name on the recently submitted charts!


Also this original work that was an idea I came up with all by myself ^_^

It's A-Comin