For the Love of All Things VG Music; If you have a request, PM me! I'll check it out and get back to you! Thanks for all your support! <3

Alisa @VGSongbird

Age 35, Other


Sierra College

Joined on 6/7/05

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Bad News from Paradise

Posted by VGSongbird - June 22nd, 2009

Hey guys!
First of all, let me say that I'm thankful to all of you who vote for my songs, review my pieces, and send me Personal Messages. It really is supportive to me and gives me the boost I need to continue on making songs.

Now for the bad news:

I've been getting several requests from so many of you asking for me to consider this piece, or to compose originals for flashes. I love that! It's incredible that you guys are that interested in my style of music. But I'm taking on a heavier work schedule at my ACTUAL job once I get back from my vacation, and I'm studying to become a cPhT; basically, my free time is gonna dissipate even more. Most projects I'm still going to do. I'll just have to take them a little slower than planned.
Some projects, I'm just gonna have to say flat out "No" to, and I hate going back on promises.

I'm going to reevalute some of the things I'm working on and see realistically what I'll be able to do.
If I've already spoken to you about your piece or made a commitment, I intend to honor it; and if I decide that it's not in my capactiy to achieve at this point in my lifetime, I will let you know so that you won't be left hanging.

Thank you for your support guys. I hope this doesn't come as a disappointment, and I hope to continue to make music/remixes because it's what I love.

~ Alisa

Also this situation specific LolCat:

Bad News from Paradise


No problem. Animation takes a long time, I won't need anything for a while =P I have a pretty good workload but its summer and im too young to sing for my supper. So I got me alot of freetime.

lolz ok.
just keep me updated ^_^

I see how it is, it really stinks that we all have to get back to our lives sooner our later. ;) If you are ever in a stump, and don't know what to remix, you can always give Lake Hylia in Twilight Princess a try, you know, where you sing the vocals, and li- oh no, NO! I'M BECOMING ONE OF THEM!!! I'M INFECTED, NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Keep it real Alisa

Lolz ^_^
I'll put that one on the music board ;)

lol cat makes a mocory of the cat people

Lolcatz make EVERYONE feel better ^_^

Just tell every one to Fuck off! :D

thats what i do :D

Animator: hey Del, lets work on the awsomest game ever

Delinquent: Hey Bro....would be as so kind as to FUCK OFF plox t(-.-)

works alla time :D

lol :)
but I actually enjoy getting requests. It helps me to learn new things and gives me a means of artistic expression. I just gotta tone it down a bit...

on second thought... dont even sweat it. I havent even made a name for myself. Bye for now.

Hey now.
Don't you start talking like that. It doesn't take that long to get noticed when you're determined and dedicated.
Don't give up!

We'll talk later ;)


Thats really good news, for you anyway. Congrats!
We NG folks will wait patiently, like ninjas...or I will anyway.
Now to google "cPhT", cuz I are clueless,lol.

Also, the lolcat does not work, I tried!

what did you do that was so bad a Lolcat could not fix? ^_^

oh. and let me save you the trouble:

cPhT = Certified Pharmacy Technician