Sorry you guys!
I guess in the rush to post my rendition of "Hymn of Fayth" before I left on vacation, I forgot to put a disclaimer in the description!
So until I can fix that problem, this is my Disclaimer:
DISCLAIMER FOR "*Hymn of Fayth*":
This is a remake of the song "Hymn of Fayth" from the Final Fantasy series. I do not claim to have composed this song on my own; the actual song is the property of the Final Fantasy series.
I apologize for any confusion this may or may not have caused, and extend apologies to the creators of Final Fantasy, and the composer Nobuo Uematsu.
*blushing* I should really be more careful, shouldn't I?
I thought that was obvious
I suppose some people just aren't educated enough or people automatically assume that every music artist steals things from others
regardless, it was very nice and you shouldn't be ashamed of your talent
With something like FF you'd think people would know.
But I still should've done it....for legality sake