For the Love of All Things VG Music; If you have a request, PM me! I'll check it out and get back to you! Thanks for all your support! <3

Alisa @VGSongbird

Age 35, Other


Sierra College

Joined on 6/7/05

Exp Points:
2,376 / 2,500
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Vote Power:
5.72 votes
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I remember hearing some of your submissions like a year ago, and allow me a breather here, I have to get over how adorable you are.
Alright, here's my face all the way through the video:

Love what you're doing, and excited to hear there's more coming!

Aww thanks.

I hope to get something up here for you to listen to soon!

When are you gonna release more songs with zoosafari?

You guys rock together!

I've tried getting back together for another remix, but he hasn't responded :S
So probably no time soon

Aw, see now I feel bad about being so pushy. Ha ha! I'll be patient, but I'm very excited to hear some more remixes! I like the new update format, I hate reading. Bleh. Sorry to hear about your soul crushing job, maybe if I become rich and famous, which I probably will, I'll lend you a house or two so you can just focus on music! Glad to see your still alive Alisa! =)

Ha! That would be fantastic, but unnecessary. :D

Hey, I just have to tell you. I just listened to Better Off Alone by ZooSafari, and I must say, beautiful. You're song is sooo beautiful! I especially love the part where you giggle, so cute!
Well, sorry for sounding weird, it just had to be said. Well, looking forward to your songs, keep up the good work. :D
Peace! Sjs00---

Wow, thank you.
You're one of the few who actually listened to it! ^_^
We spent a long time on it, and I'm so happy that it turned out so great.

Really, thank you. I appreciate the support you gave the both of us.

Thank you for your lovely voice. I just stumbled upon your songs and holy cow. I've added you and hope to follow you more. If you want a ton of good suggestions about video games, let me know. I've obtained roughly 120-150 gigs of just nintendo music. I've been ripping music from video games my entire life, from when I was 4 years old with an old tape recorder.

You are absolutely stunning.

Haha thanks.
And FYI, your game rip history officially makes you my hero ;)

I like this new style of updating. Definitely more personal. It was encouraging to hear that Rainbow Road is coming along nicely, and that you're putting your all into it. I'm definitely looking forward to it. That really sucks about the Dragon Roost one though. That had to have been painful to watch all that work disappear like that. Not to mention, that's definitely something I'd have loved to hear from you. Take as much time as you feel you need, it'll definitely be worth it in the end. It is good to get an occasional update on progress, though. For a while, I worried you might have been overwhelmed by the rest of life and had given up on Newgrounds. Another nice thing about this new way of updating is that we can subscribe to you via Youtube, which I don't think is possible through Newgrounds, is it? Newgrounds should get on that. I just sort of stopped checking after a while, which is why I didn't find this update until almost 2 months later. Now hopefully I'll find them sooner. Well, good luck on all those songs and thanks for the update.

lol Well, I certainly will try to keep it updated.
Right now I'm recovering from some minor outpatient surgery.
But I'll never give up or stop doing music.

I've got 40 open projects right now where I let my ideas fall on the page; completing them to satisfactory standards is where I get into hot water.
But keep listening, and patiently waiting.
I'll have something up here soon ^_^