Hey guys.
So I want to recant the statement I made in my last news post. I've conceptualized several things since that post.
1. The internet is full of trolls. People are going to down vote so that their scores will be higher.
2. Not leaving a review isn't something personal, it's either that they have nothing to say, they don't want to take the time to do so, or they're just exercising the action of point #1.
I've just been in a real self-conscious state lately, and that particular day I happened to take it out on the portal.
So really; sorry :(
We all get some downers, I guess.
Just make sure to come back kickin' when you do get out of the slump, k?
Focus too much on the negative stuff and you start losing sight of the things that really matters; the good stuffs. :O
Yes, I definitely have the capacity to get "tunnel vision" when it comes to the negative aspect of things.
I will certainly try to keep my chin up :3
(lol...Just makes me think of "Futurama" is all:
Fry: "Ow my head! OW my FEET! Ow my Head! Ow my feet!"
Professor Farnsworth: "Keep your chin up!"
Fry: "OW, my CHIN!")