You Did A Good Job ReDoing This Song
Here's my score:
Instrument Blend--- .5/1
Accuracy--------------- 1/1
Clear Concept ------- 1/1
Originality------------- 0/3
Appeal----------------- 3/4
Total------------------- 6/10
Instrument Blend:
I agree; the bass may be just a bit too loud. But that's easily fixable.
You were right on the dot with this song's melody.
Clear Concept:
The song didn't feel compartmentalized or kind of "slung together." You made it fluid and complete.
This is where the points come off; the song was literally a Reenactment. There were no changes of beat, no original harmonies. I think I could find another remix like this on Newgrounds fairly easily.
Other Comments:
I know a lot of the remixes out there are just simply to re-do the originals, and that's probably what you were going for; it's just not MY style. So keep that in mind with this review.