Hey guys!
I was going to wait until I had an official Video Announcement set up, but I'm already getting mail from confused people following me on Social Media--so here's an unofficial announcement!!
You may be wondering why "ellebirdy23" is no longer on your "following" list, and why this weird chick "VGSongbird" with the same playlist and photo suddenly is.
No trickery, just a name change!
I will be creating a more in depth announcement about this later, so if you have any questions, you can ask me them in a comment thread, and I'll try to include them in the announcement (it sucks having a "real life job" that takes precedent.)
I hope you guys will continue to follow me through the switch!
- Same Alisa, I promise :D
I'd still follow you even if you changed your name to D1CKSM45HER23.
(Still waiting for your album, btw!!)
That was my second choice for names XD