So I feel horrible.
Yesterday, I posted an angry rant at a user on this site, saying that I was furious that he had listed me as a Contributor on one of his songs. Some of you read it. If you're looking for it, you won't find it anymore--I withdrew the post. Truthfully, I did not care for the song, and I'm not changing that statement. But I really, really let it get out of hand.
I appreciate all the support everyone here gives me. Just know that I'm going through some really, REALLY heavy life shit right now that's got me in a horrible place. My good friends on here know what I'm talking about. And I'm so sorry to the user I verbally assaulted yesterday all over the portal. It's that kind of bullshit that came out of my mouth that I can't stand to see on this site. And I let my anger at my personal issues fuel that post all the way to the front page where it didn't belong.
I am so sorry. I know that this probably made some of you judge me poorly. I hope everyone here can forgive me.
I'm so sorry.
Please, I can't stand seeing someone as wonderful as you sad! My heart can't take it!