For the Love of All Things VG Music; If you have a request, PM me! I'll check it out and get back to you! Thanks for all your support! <3

Alisa @VGSongbird

Age 35, Other


Sierra College

Joined on 6/7/05

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I'm so sorry.

Me too :(

aww... he's adorable... I do hope he come's home soon.

I hope so too. I live out in he woods, so I get worried that he may have been...digested... :(

don't worry he will be home super soon

I certainly hope so :(

it's tough losing an animal and not knowing where they are, I feel your pain. My cat went missing about six years ago and we had no idea where he went. As it turns out, another family up our street thopught he was a stray and took him in, so our story ended well. I hope yours does too.

I certainly hope that's it. But we've put up flyers all over the neighborhood. Unless someone is just selfish and not bringing him back, I don't think that's it.

I hope that he is not completely lost in the moment... Write soon, if you`ll find him or if he will come home. Good luck to you and to your kitten

Thank you :3

Some advice! Check with people living nearby!

I heard so many stories people took in a lost animal and raised it as their own while the real owner never found them or only a few years later.. Which makes it very awkward.

Good luck!

I've wandered around the neighborhood and put up flyers; I don't think that's it.

Aww, he's adorable!

I'd hate to hear about him being missing forever, or worse. I really don't want you to go through the same pain that my brother and I went through when our last cat went missing. That terrible phone call still haunts me to this day.

Though I can't directly aid you in searching for him (as much as I want to), at the very least, here's some advice: Put up missing signs all around town, check with your local animal shelters, animal control, or an ASPCA if your town has one. Let the neighbors and friends know so that they can keep an eye out for him. Be adamant, be vigilant, and above all, don't give up hope. But at the same time, as saddening as it may sound, prepare for the worst should it ever occur. I know it's something that nobody wants to have happen to their pets (believe me, I've had two dogs and a cat pass in my lifetime), but it's always a possibility.

Best of luck in your search for him. I'll be praying for your success.

I know. The second day he went missing, we walked all over the neighborhood asking about him, put up flyers, called in to the "missing pet" group on the local radio station. And we've called all the shelters. We've done everything we can. I just think he's not coming home :(

if you have a freind with either A. a bloodhound or B. a germand shepard ge thtem to loan you there dog and have them sniff an item that oscar owns

I may try that.

Well, he's definitely not a kitten anymore. If you are like me, then you perhaps didn't have the nerve to get his balls chopped? My Brewsky goes into heat a couple times a year, and tries desperately to get out. One time, he did and was also gone for 5 days.
Male cats in heat have been known to travel VERY far to mate. So, even though you may be worried about him, keep in mind that he could be out "having some fun". :P When Oscar returns, check him for ticks and wounds. I'm sure he'll come home to momma', but not before staving off that animistic instinct. Good luck, hope you have peace of mind soon.

That's very...um...knowledgeable of you?

I had Oscar neutered as soon as he was old enough. So your comment really didn't help. I know you were trying, but seriously I could've gone without that because now all I'm thinking about is all the fun he's not having, since we can immediately rule out procreation.

"You-Think-Im-UGLY" is right. But GOOD VIBES PLZ COME HOME KITTY!! :3


Do you happen to have any Chinese people living nearby?

Wow. Fuck you >:(
Way to pour lemon juice and salt into a festering wound.
Merry fucking Christmas to you too.

you shouldnt worry he probably just went take a walk im sure he will come back before chrismas end

I'd love to think that. But the weather is bad... how many cats do you know that spend a week away from home in the pouring rain? :(

I'm hopin he'll come back to ya. I know exactly what you're goin through. I had a cat that had intestinal problems and had to have medication for it everyday, but she got out of the house and up and disappeared for a week. Turns out, she was 5 houses down under the deck in their backyard.
So definitly look in those places that are totally inconvinient to get to, chances are, he's just chillin. :)

My cat of 10 years just died last week. I know the feeling of losing a pet. The plus side, I guess, is that we have another cat that will disappear for weeks at a time, then just show up on our porch suddenly.

He's doing it right now, actually.

Sorry to hear about your troubles. I know how you must feel as I live with a dog and a cat, and work with dogs and cats. Both my pets have had their share of successful escapes though usually lasting only about a day, but still it always worries the crap out of me. My cat is a big homebody. She always winds up coming home in the dead of night if she manages to sneak out . I just leave the porch door open a -big- crack(shes a fatty) and eventually I'll hear her scurry up the stairs to my room. Luckily I'm a real night owl. ~_~ Anyhow apologies for the long story!
Don't give up hope! I know your cat loves you and I'm sure he'll come back to you as I'm sure you spoil him with love :3

and remeber to lock all doors and windows and get one of those collar cameras fir him

I hope he comes back to you soon, with a buzzing purr... its hard to loose a feline companion.

Aww! I'm so sorry! I understand what it's like to lose a precious cat. I had one once named Shadow who was like a son to me and he disappeared too. It was one of the toughest things I've faced, and I've never been as close to a pet since. And for you to lose him around Christmas too, that's just cruel. I hope your Christmas isn't totally ruined, and there is still time for him to come back, so don't lose all hope. And yeah, any musical person knows that real life affects your music. What you make, what you listen to, we seek music that reflects our feelings, that's just how it works, so go ahead and pour your heart into your music.

Try to keep your spirits up though, cats can get really far, you'd be surprised. Even if you asked around your neighborhood or surrounding area and no one has him, he might have gone out of the county altogether. I once found a lost cat and returned it to her owner 6 months after she got lost in a different county from me. It happens, and even if you don't get Oscar back, he might have found a new home far away. That happens all the time, where people find cats and look for the owner and can't find them so they keep the kitty. And if the weather has been bad, then people are even more likely to show some pity and take him in. So don't worry, I think he stands a fair chance.

I know how you feel. Right around my birthday (just two days before) we had to put down my best friend Gerald, a Norwegian Forest Cat. Poor fluffy little skitz contracted feline leukemia. Everything I drew for the next few months was either about him or so depressing I scrapped it. To hope Sir Oscar comes back home, I ring the bell around my neck three times (it's supposed to make a wish come true).

I'm so sorry to hear that. I have such a soft spot for animals, and it must be awful to lose him, especially around Xmas. Sending all the good vibes I posess, and hoping he comes home!

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